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Art, Design and Technology

Art, Design and Technology

Subject Intent for Art and Design and Design Technology

We encourage and value imagination and creativity, with Art and Design Technology often linked to texts, other subjects or topic-based learning from Reception to Class 6. This approach enables our children to enjoy and engage in practical learning in different contexts, to be inspired by creative activities, to be challenged as individual artists and designers and to learn how to collaboratively create art and produce designs. Children are responsible for their own level of development in the subjects, being given the tools and skills to move forward. The strong links with other subjects enables our children to hone skills in cross-curricular projects. The Chevening Curriculum is based on National Curriculum expectations, so that specific art and design knowledge and skills can be developed over time, enabling our children to experiment, invent, create and also encounter local, national and international artists and designers (renowned and emerging) developing expertise in their influences and impact.

As part of our curriculum offer we visit exhibitions and galleries (e.g. The National Portrait Gallery) and also plan bespoke art and design projects that complement our school’s heritage, Christian ethos and values, broaden experience and challenge perspectives and assumptions. We carefully select a diverse range of international artists, sculptors and designers to study, in order to counterbalance the cultural homogeneity of the school and local community. We support children in the development of their emotional literacy, learning to discuss their emotions in relation to art work and their responses to different creations.  Parents, staff and local residents contribute to the talent pool of creative inspiration to guide, inspire and challenge our children. We value our parents’ support for learning, particularly for topic-based projects that might be undertaken in part, or as a whole at home. Having the opportunity to share ideas, debate, experiment and test ideas at home really supports our children’s development. 

Different school-based projects have enabled our children to use their enthusiasm, knowledge and skills to:
- create art to explore aspects of Christianity
- work in collaboration with a local artist to create a clay mosaic to commemorate 200 years of schooling in the parish
-craft collaborative art to retell famous or favourite texts
-plan the Reflective Garden that forms an important part of our school environment.        

-collaboratively create a tree in line with the school vision.

Our display boards, website, newsletters, competitions and collaborative projects aim to celebrate each child’s artistic talents to build their self-esteem.

In our local community, the children use their creative talents to support well-being and personal development, by contributing to Prayer Stations in our Parish Church, preparing Harvest greetings for our neighbours and also producing gifts and mementos for our volunteers and supporters. At an international level, Chevening children have been involved in producing and using art and design to support individuals and groups in need in other countries, as well as representing our school ethos, values and community to other institutions and organisations.

Art and Design Technology challenges our children to develop personal skills, to challenge their thinking and beliefs, to develop Christian values including:
Honesty in evaluating their own experiments, inventions and creative work, as well as those of others. Perseverance to develop knowledge and hone skills, including a readiness to navigate both failure and success. Respect for creative talent, expressions and experience that may be different to their own. Courage to take risks when using their growing knowledge and skills in different contexts, including justifying respectful opinions when discussing the influences and impact of art and design technology. Love when developing art-appreciation.

Art and Design Technology learning enables Chevening children to live out the school's Biblical Vision. As they progress throughout the school, the children's knowledge, skills and talents are, like the Mustard Seed, developed and honed. Through hands-on experiences and follow-up activities and discussions, the children learn the skills of:

being true to a cause or style;

using their talents and skills and also reflecting and sharing opinions in ways that are kind and thoughtful; 

being inclusive in exploring and valuing a diverse range of art, artists, designs and designers.

Ultimately, we want our children to develop passion, confidence, interest and skills in art and design, so that they can contribute to future cultures, economies and communities as potential successful artists, crafters and designers.